It was probably about a year ago that I acquired this old dresser:
(I forgot to take before pictures so these are the only pics I could find...sorry that they are so up close)

I got it from my sweet cousin who didn't have a use for it anymore. It looks a little rough but it is big, sturdy, and old...and the best part, it was my mormor's. I was delighted to get the dresser but knew it needed some work!
---Quick Swedish lesson...cause I am half Swedish (and proud of it!)...
Mormor means "mother's mother" in swedish so that is what we used to call my grandmother. Morfar means " mother's father" but we didn't call my grandfather that...he was just Grandpa...especially since my other cousins would've called him FarFar (father's father), yeah, doesn't have a good ring to it ;). Oh how i miss MorMor and Grandpa!
And, by the way, if you have ever heard the saying, " you can always tell a swede, but you can't tell 'em much," it is true ;-). Okay, Swedish lesson (tangent) over...back to the project.---
So, I got right to work on distressing this piece (okay, it was a couple months later). I was delighted to find a couple of layers of paint underneath...apparently my mormor also liked refinishing things! I wish I had taken process pics but I did not. Mind you, there was not a real process involved...pretty random actually. I started by sanding on it a little and started to see the other layers...first white, then blue, then the original wood. At this point I decided to do "chippy" distressing. Basically, I just started scraping in random places with random tools (paint can opener, screwdriver, razor blade)(shall we call it the random method?) and finished it off with LOTS and LOTS of sanding! Oh, and because I was dealing with old paint, I sprayed the dresser with a matte finish just to seal it.
Here is how she turned out:

I love the way it turned out. As you can see, I also replaced the old knobs with these pull knobs that we had leftover from the dresser in Carter's room. Here are a few detailed photos so you can see all the different paint layers. The above pics do not do it justice!

So, what do you think? I am loving that my mormor's creativity in refinishing this piece is what inspired my creativity to make this piece what it is now. I am also loving that this project was free! Just a little tlc and some elbow grease! I hope you enjoyed this project (and of course, my short Swedish lesson;)). Goodnight. Talk to you again soon (but don't hold your breath;))!
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